viernes, 29 de mayo de 2015

Discussion essay 2 - Being a mom is great

Everybody knows our mother's value, the sacrifice, the energy, the effort that mothers do for their children. They will always be with her children and take care of them. Mother is always a blessing, but be mother is great?

On the one hand, being a mother means responsibility the 24/7, losing big part of your social life taking care of your sons, strain you the double.. So you have to change your life when you have a baby, you will never be the same women. You will have many things that will want to do but that you can't because you've a children. In this respect, then, it could be argued that being a mom is not great.

On the other hand, being a other means to grow, mature, being happy, a blessing... Mother is a definition of love, when you are a mother, all your world change, your mentality, your kind of looking, YOUR LIFE CHANGES! Now you've a little children who comes to the world for being part of you. You will be his teacher, his mother, his best friend... Being mother is wonderful!

In my opinion, being a mother is beautiful because it is part of you, he or she has been living inside of you for months. It's really incredible! So, you lose part of our life but you win a big gift!

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