viernes, 29 de mayo de 2015

Discussion essay 1 - Violence on TV makes people violent

Television is one of the greatest inventions of the 20 century. However, its effects on our society have been both positive and negative. Nowadays, on TV we have many entertainment programs, but also violent programs. The question is,how can effect people watching violent programs on television?

On the one hand, violent programs can be seen as didactic purpose programs. In these programs, we can see how bad it is violence and how far we can take if we don't change quickly. 
In this respect, then, it could be argued that violence on TV doesn't makes people violent.

On the other hand, these programs can be sometimes go too far in what they show, even kicking or insult people, stealing money, spitting at people on the street... These and characters can be negative role model for children and the younger. In fact, some teenagers can imitate and reproduce these actions that they watch on TV, and end up being just as violent as those of TV.

In my opinion, violent programs are in the end, simple programs but with violence. However, we must be careful of how these actions can effect our lives and the young.

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