viernes, 29 de mayo de 2015


Hi Charlie,
It was great to hear from you. Sorry for not writing earlier but I've been really busy.
Last month was GREAT! Do you know that I'm in New York? Yes, I'm in New York!
I'll summarise what happened to me last month.

Dave and I decided to go to New York to follow our dream to be singers. Dave has singned with an important label which will make him famous. When we arrived to New York, he went to L.A with the company to start to work with the company. When he came to New York, he told me that he had a new girl, Mimi, one of the girls that we met last week. That was horrible for me! You know me. When he told me that, I caught my things and I went to Steve's home. That night we went to a local bar where Steve worked every night. Steve "forced" me to come on stage and I did. I sang one of my songs "A step you can't take back". And guess what? There was an A&R,Dan, who was looking fot a new talent.  started to work with him and we released my first album! But it isn't the only new news, I come back with Dave and I'm so happy.

As you can see, this month has been fukk! I am waiting for your email, my girl!

All the best,


Discussion essay 3 - How I met my bestfriend

I met my childhood best friend Charlie, when I was 8 years old. We were living in the same town since 7 years. We were almost the same years (she's two years bigger than me), so we played togheter, we had the same interests (we love the music), we enjoyed each other's company.

Actually, Charlie lives in Paris with her mother and big brother. She's 21, she studies law at the most popular university in Paris and I'm so proud of what she makes. She s beautiful girl both inside and outside. She's cheerful, outgoing and lovely. We love music and reading books of Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King, because we love them. In summer, the sundays, we closed the room and we read books. I know that can sound boring but when you are with your best friend, these sundays can be the best!

Every summer, she comes to my house for 2 months. Last year I went to Africa so she didn't come to my house, but in December she visited us to spent the Christmas holidays togheter. That was great!

Discussion essay 2 - Being a mom is great

Everybody knows our mother's value, the sacrifice, the energy, the effort that mothers do for their children. They will always be with her children and take care of them. Mother is always a blessing, but be mother is great?

On the one hand, being a mother means responsibility the 24/7, losing big part of your social life taking care of your sons, strain you the double.. So you have to change your life when you have a baby, you will never be the same women. You will have many things that will want to do but that you can't because you've a children. In this respect, then, it could be argued that being a mom is not great.

On the other hand, being a other means to grow, mature, being happy, a blessing... Mother is a definition of love, when you are a mother, all your world change, your mentality, your kind of looking, YOUR LIFE CHANGES! Now you've a little children who comes to the world for being part of you. You will be his teacher, his mother, his best friend... Being mother is wonderful!

In my opinion, being a mother is beautiful because it is part of you, he or she has been living inside of you for months. It's really incredible! So, you lose part of our life but you win a big gift!

Discussion essay 1 - Violence on TV makes people violent

Television is one of the greatest inventions of the 20 century. However, its effects on our society have been both positive and negative. Nowadays, on TV we have many entertainment programs, but also violent programs. The question is,how can effect people watching violent programs on television?

On the one hand, violent programs can be seen as didactic purpose programs. In these programs, we can see how bad it is violence and how far we can take if we don't change quickly. 
In this respect, then, it could be argued that violence on TV doesn't makes people violent.

On the other hand, these programs can be sometimes go too far in what they show, even kicking or insult people, stealing money, spitting at people on the street... These and characters can be negative role model for children and the younger. In fact, some teenagers can imitate and reproduce these actions that they watch on TV, and end up being just as violent as those of TV.

In my opinion, violent programs are in the end, simple programs but with violence. However, we must be careful of how these actions can effect our lives and the young.

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