sábado, 29 de noviembre de 2014


Hello, Maria,

My name is Dienabou, I'm 18 years old. I live in Salt, Girona. And today I'm going to tell you about my first job experience. I did this job while I was studing "Attention of disabled people" in the same high school that I am now.

I did this job in Palau, a school for disabled children. My main activity was being the teacher's assistant.So, I did tasks such as taking the children to the bathroom,feeding them and performing activities in the computer and more things. Apart from that, it was my responsibility to look after the children, when the teacher was not in the classroom.

This was a good experience for me, because I learnt so much about the children. Basically I learnt that you can also communicate without words.

I hope you liked my experience, and by the way, I recommend you to visit Palau school.

See you soon, bye!

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