jueves, 26 de febrero de 2015

Opinion essay 2


Recently, Spain is in a very serious economic crisis. All the media talk about it. And just society blames a group of people who are responsible for keeping the country afloat, the government.
First of all, in my view, the political don’t keep their promise of help us live calmly in our house and give us a decent job. As a consequence, the population has been without employment and house. Therefore, I think that the government have to keep their promise and give us what we need.
Secondly, the corruption is very linked to the policy. As I see it, they are involved in many cases of corruption. The politicians spend a lot of our money for theirs personals pleasures. For this reason, I believe that they have to do something to get us out of this economic crisis.

To sum up, the politicians are the only guilty of this crisis and we need a politician who works for us and not for him and his family.

Opinon essay 1


One of the biggest changes that the world has experienced is the new technology and his impact on our lives. Nowadays, we are dependent on the technology, for example, if we want to eat, we’ve an app to buy food. In my opinion, we all are less active because of our modern lifestyle. But we can not make better our modern lifestyle?

First of all, in my view, society has simplified things a lot, for example, since we have internet, we don’t walk to the shops. Therefore, I think the society should teach us to make good use of the new technologies and do more to promote sports and exercise.

Secondly, the leisure time after the high school is also a big problem. As I see it, many people have much leisure time. After the school, they don’t have nothing to do, and they lie down on the sofa to watch TV or play console. For this reason, I feel that the schools and governments should do more extracurricular activities for these children who don’t have nothing to do after school.

It’s clear that our modern lifestyle affects our physical inactivity. I know that we can do something to change our bad habits, but we also need the Government and schools to help us to maintain a healthy and active way of life.

domingo, 22 de febrero de 2015

Describe a place you enjoy


Velingara is a city on the south-west of Senegal. Located to 11 hours drive from Dakar, the capital of Senegal. It’s my favourite place because it is a city where I can be free, in peace and with all my family.
Velingara has a charming residents, and beautiful buildings.Among these is the city where has one of the most important mosque of Senegal. This magnific city has a lot of things that the others cities in Senegal don’t have, such as, a school. The others cities near Velingara, have to come there to study.In Velingara, we have an huge school with an  orphenage for the children who don’t have parents and that’s very important for me,because I spent  a lot of . my time with them and it was an huge experience for me.
The city has a big market where the women  go to shopping with her daughters, there are a lot of things that  the women need for cook  and the daughters for going to school. There are  also narrow lanes full of shops that are always the tourists taking photos.
I have chosen Velingara, because is the only place of the world where I’m feel really home. Although I have been born in Spain, there is a very strong bow that joins me with Senegal. When I am there, I’m feel safe,good,happy….

There I don’t need be connected with the world, I don’t need watch TV or something like that, I only need be happy with myself. 


Assessment oral presentations

Diet, being healthy, eating well

Presentation 10%: 7.5

Do you use any resources: powerpoint, video, images, sound, real material...?
Are the resources focused on the topic?
Do the resources support your oral explanation?
Is the timing 5- 10 minutes?

Body language & eye contact 10%: 8

Are  you looking at your audience most of the time?
Are you reading occasionally from your notes ?
Are you doing any gestures/movement to hold the attention of your audience?

Structure 10%:9 

Do you organize your ideas in order of importance?
Do you use discourse markers to make your ideas more clear? (First, then, secondly, on the one hand, on the other, finally…)

Content 10%:7

Do you introduce new information to your audience?
Is your information  detailed, clear and...?
Do you give/show examples?

Language 20%:17.5

Is your grammar correct, complex? (verbs, word order, tenses learnt in class)
Is your vocabulary rich, varied (synonyms, idioms, expressions, phrasal verbs, topic-related)
Do you use sentence linkers? (and, but, moreover, also, furthermore, although, however…)
Do you use fillers? (well, you know, for example, one second, repeating a word…)

Pronunciation & Intonation 10%:7

Do you know how to pronounce all your words? Did you check the pronunciation?
Do you change your tone of voice or use a monotone tone all the time? Do you speak in a fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions?


You are your teacher! :-)                                 


I think that my other presentation was better than this.

My favourite song!

The lyrics:
[Chorus - John Legend:]
One day when the glory comes
It will be ours, it will be ours
One day when the war is won
We will be sure, we will be sure
Oh glory

Hands to the Heavens, no man, no weapon
Formed against, yes glory is destined
Every day women and men become legends
Sins that go against our skin become blessings
The movement is a rhythm to us
Freedom is like religion to us
Justice is juxtapositionin' us
Justice for all just ain't specific enough
One son died, his spirit is revisitin' us
Truant livin' livin' in us, resistance is us
That's why Rosa sat on the bus
That's why we walk through Ferguson with our hands up
When it go down we woman and man up
They say, "Stay down", and we stand up
Shots, we on the ground, the camera panned up
King pointed to the mountain top and we ran up


[John Legend:]
Now the war is not over, victory isn't won
And we'll fight on to the finish, then when it's all done
We'll cry glory, oh glory
We'll cry glory, oh glory

Selma is now for every man, woman and child
Even Jesus got his crown in front of a crowd
They marched with the torch, we gon' run with it now
Never look back, we done gone hundreds of miles
From dark roads he rose, to become a hero
Facin' the league of justice, his power was the people
Enemy is lethal, a king became regal
Saw the face of Jim Crow under a bald eagle
The biggest weapon is to stay peaceful
We sing, our music is the cuts that we bleed through
Somewhere in the dream we had an epiphany
Now we right the wrongs in history
No one can win the war individually
It takes the wisdom of the elders and young people's energy
Welcome to the story we call victory
Comin' of the Lord, my eyes have seen the glory


[John Legend:]
When the war is done, when it's all said and done
We'll cry glory, oh glory